Put God back on the throne of your heart, feelings and emotions, so when you touch or feel something not like him you know it.
One of the reasons for knowing & understanding Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth or Jesus as THE TRUTH, is so when our feelings are opposite of what we sense, we know it's time to leave our feelings- for the truth. Jesus is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, as the bible says, and we must remember that as we practice surrendering our senses to Holy Spirit. Everything we sense must be judged according to truth or we fall prey to deception and self grandeur. Our soul gets deceived every time God is is not our focus and everything. He must always be the reason we are doing all we do, otherwise we fall prey to SELF, not just deceiving spirits.
As a spiritual discipline and practice, in prayer, I send the blood of Jesus into all the areas of my soul to clean out the defilement of self or the lusts of this world and pride of life. I have found it to be a necessary spiritual practice to rid myself of all the contaminants of this world that I live in every day. I send in the blood to cleanse my mind, to cleanse my will, to cleanse my emotions and feelings, to cleanse my desires, passions and appetites. Then I send the fire of God to burn up and consume anything left that is not like Him. Friends we are easily defiled and contaminated by the atmospheres we encounter, the people we come in contact with and all we are exposed to on a daily basis in this sin filled, fallen world. This requires us being continually cleansed and purified on a regular basis.
So as we continue our exploration of the sense of touch/feeling God and evil, let's remember that being continually cleansed is an important component to feeling in truth-and touching- in truth.

It's easy to fall prey to the patterns and customs of this world, not properly discerning atmospheres or what you feel, so as you sense something is off in or near someone or as you feel something unusual in an atmosphere, ask the person of Holy Spirit in you. Sense it through Him, feel it through him and include him in the searching out of it, since he is inside you and he is the source of truth and where you get your information from. He is your guide and best friend and any operation independent of him is rebellious and idolatrous in nature and could result in witchcraft if you are not careful. Anytime we act independently, not involving him, we alienate Holy Spirit as our best friend, comforter, source and guide, and we end up depending on ourselves as the source or worse yet others. He is the one who alerts us to trouble or when we enter unsafe conditions or atmospheres or when we are around people who have evil intentions, or even to the presence of his angels, so we must not abandon him as our source, guide and most of all our God.
In the book-"Prayers That Shift Atmospheres", Apostle Dr. Taquetta Baker gives us insight on our sense of feeling and touch. Below are excerpts from her book.
"God requires that high places be dealt with. Nothing is to be exalted above God or to cap his ability to be limitlessly and incomparably God in our lives...."
High places are discerned spiritually and naturally; naturally in places such as demonic structures that are built and recognizable, like demonic temples and lodges, clubs, stores or any business that exalts itself against God openly or secretively. In the spiritual sense these can be recognized in foolish ideologies, superstitions, man-made traditions, rules or regulations, principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and wickedness in heavenly places that rule over regions, territories, homes, people and in cultural influences of society.
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:10-12
"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 1-:3-5
We are meant to govern our personal lives, families and atmospheres around us and our homes. We should first seek to tear down anything in our lives that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We must seek to tear down and demolish every argument and pretense in our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Our thoughts are linked to our emotions and feelings, they are not independent. As we recognize our feelings we must recognize what thought was attached to that feeling. We are meant to govern and operate without measure within our sphere of authority-in the name of Jesus- to release and establish his kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven- so high places must be dealt with. We do this in many ways, but we definitely do this as we recognize high places in our feelings and thoughts. Only then can we tear down what needs to go as we properly discern false feelings of abandonment, loss, hopelessness, doubt, fear, unbelief, disappointment, or being dismayed.
"Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles." Zech. 9:12
As you press into and return to the fortress of hope, through prayer, praise and worship this month, God will repay you double for all the trouble hell brought against you. I am speaking prophetically right now, because there has been an assignment unleashed from hell recently to get people out of hope and into feelings of hopelessness and disappointment. It' almost been like God isn't going to do what he promised- but that's a lie. God is building you right now from a renewed place-in him, his voice, his counsel and his love. So don't give up-dear friends. You will reap, if, you don't give up.
In all of this discerning, it is to be our aim and goal that Jesus is exalted in our lives, the atmospheres of our homes and the communities in which we live.
Ask God to identify the high places in your life, generational line, ministry, community, region and nation; and ask for a strategy to pull them down in prayer and in the natural.
Examine your heart with Holy spirit. Cleanse out all ungodliness and wrong motivations. Send in the blood to cleanse and the fire to burn up and purify all unrighteousness or defilement in your feelings or sense of touch.
Spend time soaking in the presence of God though worship, prayer or however he leads you- so that his presence and voice is the most dominant presence you feel and sense. His presence is Holy and once this is your normal, you can then sense all other wrong spirits, intents and evil atmospheres in and around other people and places. Only then will you be able to rightly feel and discern what is not like him.
Meditate on John 16:13- "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come."
Mediate on John 14:6- “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Ask God to activate your sense of touch or feeling in the spirit so as to govern yourself and your atmospheres more effectively-exalting Jesus and establishing his kingdom, where ever you go.