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Writer's picture: Dana WadeDana Wade

Hello friends! I want to share with you a little about my recent missions trip in this week’s devotional.

Last July I was invited to go to Belize with Pastor/Apostle, Jason Tanksley of IHUB Bristol. Many of you know that I’ve been on a journey of following the Lord in a new way. This journey has led me to travel monthly to Bristol and partner with this ministry. After church one Sunday we (My friend and fellow minister, Tammy Bunch) had lunch with Apostle Jason. Tammy and I had experienced such a Suddenly moment when he invited us to go on this missions trip with his team. I have such a high regard for this minister and the work he is doing and I had an immediate YES in my spirit when he asked me to go. I of course processed it with my husband, but I was sure the Holy Spirit was leading me. You see I knew as a teenager that missions was to be a part of my upward call in Christ…. “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:14…. But until my preparation for this moment was complete, I couldn’t meet my Kairos (set time-fullness of time) appointment with destiny.

Preparation + fullness of time=SUDDENLY

I learned a lot on this trip about who I am in Christ, spiritual warfare and staying connected in community with like-minded men and women of the faith. It has strengthened me and my resolve to keep pressing onward to the upward call. God fulfilled that word of GOING TO THE NATIONS in His timing, not mine. Your preparation will be key to your suddenly moment, just like mine was. Yes I could have gone on other missions trips over the years, but I believe that this was God’s timing for me. So allow me to encourage you to not try to make things happen-“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” Eccles. 3:11

We can always do good things but that doesn’t mean they are GOD THINGS-there is a difference.

We cannot see all of what God is doing in our lives but we can trust him in the process as he is working on us and in us for a greater glory. “The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].” Psalm 37:23 AMPC

God directed my steps this year and He established them. I cooperated with his leading but I waited for God to direct me when I was given the signal to step out. First the sign that he is leading then the stepping out.

Signs always point to significance.

God directs us to step out and then he establishes us as we go. That invitation came out of nowhere (SUDDENLY) but I knew immediately this was the Lord. This trip has changed me in so many ways, some of which I am still processing. But I know this trip prepared me for the MORE OF GOD. I also believe that when we wait on God’s timing, there are God appointed purposes attached to it. Other people were attached to my purpose and destiny on this trip. So remember that your destiny will always be linked to specific people in specific seasons, but most of all God’s purpose for your life.

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” Prov. 19:21

God will use certain people to call you up INTO THE MORE OF GOD, and they will take you somewhere you could have never gone on your own! There is more of God to be known and experienced friends- always more.

How is God calling you up INTO MORE OF HIM? And who is He trying to use in your life to take you there-into a higher purpose and calling?

I pray you experience a shift into your next place in Him as you seek THE MORE OF GOD in the days ahead.



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