FAVOR: approval, support, or liking someone or something; an act of kindness beyond what is due, normal or usual; feeling or showing preference for; to honor, oblige, prefer, regard, show kindness, benevolence or goodwill towards.
Sound like something you need? I sure do. Favor will take you places you could never get to on your own and open up opportunities that you could never get without it. We all need favor.
There are 2 kinds of favor that we see from scripture.
FAVOR WITH GOD AND MAN -Psalms 84:11- “For the Lord God is our sun and shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.”
The word grace in this passage is favor. So this is an assurance that as we do what is right, our heavenly father will give us his favor.
The bible says that Jesus grew in wisdom, in stature and in favor with God AND man.
This means we too are growing in favor with God and with others.
Sometimes we have favor with others because we have a long history of trust and faithfulness with them. At other times God gives us favor with people because we have loved well.
Obviously we don’t need favor with everyone. Jesus didn’t have favor in his hometown and he didn’t have favor in the religious community but he did have favor with multitudes of other people and with the ones who believed his message and with those who truly knew him.
It’s not that we shouldn’t seek favor, we should, we all need it in this life-but we should seek to be faithful and love well first; and as we do, favor will be the end result.
Let love be your motivating force as you seek God’s favor this week.
SCRIPTURES TO PRAY AND DECREE FOR FAVOR (excerpts from Patricia King’s book-“Decree a Thing and It Shall Be Established”):
“In Christ Jesus, I am favored by my heavenly Father. The favor He gave His Son, he has given to me too. This favor is a free gift, that I am thankful for because I don’t deserve it.
It is better to have favor than silver or gold and I embrace it today Lord. The Lord favors me with vindication and delights in my prosperity. By the favor of the Lord, the works of my hands are confirmed and established. All that I put my hands to is favored. As I seek the Lord’s favor, He is gracious unto me according to His Word. I love wisdom and seek diligently for wisdom and understanding. Therefore I have been granted favor by the Lord and am favored by others. His favor opens doors of opportunity for me that no man can shut. I am favored in my home and favored in the workplace. I am favored everywhere I go and in all that I do. Thank you lord that you daily grant me favor because of the covenant blood of Christ and the promises in His Word.” Amen.