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Holy Spirit Help and Activity Right Now

Writer's picture: Dana Wade, CoachDana Wade, Coach

Updated: May 26, 2021

Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday -also known as the Jewish feast of Shavuot-the feast of weeks and harvest. We see this first in the old testament account of the Exodus story where at Mt Sinai God gave Moses the Torah-the 10 commandments. This example from scripture reminds us that God does not want to hide from us but indeed reveal himself to us.

Fast forward to Acts chapter 2 where at the same Jewish feast, God revealed himself again in the giving of His precious Holy Spirit. What the law was unable to do so far as righteousness through the commandments, by the Holy Spirit he has now empowered us to do.

But even with the Holy Spirit we face times like now when we need God to grace us yet again in a fresh way. This last year or so has taken the wind out of many of our sails. And even as we have the Holy Spirit indwelling us, we are leaky vessels that need to be refilled. I sense the Lord gathering new harvesters for the fields are about to be ready. These workers must be freshly empowered by Holy Spirit for the battles that will lay ahead in this world. This requires an empowerment from heaven- so that we can be commissioned yet again for this new era of time we are now in. I'm often reminded that we are no longer in yesteryear or the times of our fathers and mothers. We have entered into a brand new dispensation where the earth is groaning and travailing for the release of the mature ones. This requires something more that only Holy Spirit can provide.


This past season has tried our faith and tested us in more ways than I think we realize- where our hearts have been disappointed and our faith has waned. We need Holy Spirit and his help, now more than ever.

I do believe that in this last season, God was deconstructing so much of what needed to go so he could spiritually reform us for what lies ahead. The deconstruction was so he could build us properly into true and living stones.

The Holy Spirit comes to prove the world wrong of sin, justice and judgement and we are to be ready to do our part with him.

We live in a worrying time of history. We urgently need Christian people to take up the plight and challenges of our times, but most of all their crosses. And for this we need Holy Spirit empowerment. We must work with Holy Spirit to see the change this world needs. Manners of injustice, and all manners of wickedness and unrighteousness must be held to account.


God puts the world right through his Spirit and his people working in a collaborative effort. I sensed a great shift in the spirit towards that cooperative mission on another plain this past Pentecost Sunday. Since last Sunday I’ve sensed Holy Spirit on another level personally and I’ve heard the same with other believers.

Because times of deconstruction can be tricky and hard to understand, God who is rich in mercy does not leave us for long periods of time without help or clarity.

It‘s THE HELPER HOLY SPIRIT who aids us in our weakness and empowers us to pray and speak the truth boldly.

An increased sensitivity to the hearing of his voice and his presence all the more is here now to help us know what he is doing and how we can partner with him.

I don’t know about you but navigating this last year has been a struggle for me at times, both spiritually and physically. Since last July I’ve experienced a lot of change, and much of it was really hard. I have been living solely on the promised assurance of Proverbs 3 where God says that if I would trust him with my whole heart then, he would surely make my path straight. Pain and Anxiety

A lot of people have been living with pain, anxiety and worry about what the future holds. Fear has gripped peoples hearts like never before but I believe that many will begin experiencing a greater sense of hope, joy, energy and expectancy of good where fear and angst have been ruling in their hearts and minds. Holy Spirit is our breath, compass and true north, and when he comes we must testify to all that he is doing, as this strengthens not only us but others. The Bible says we overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony. We must share the truth and the good news of Jesus like never before. He is the WAY, TRUTH AND LIFE.

It does not mean that we will not encounter trouble in this world but we will know what it means again to be of good cheer again because Jesus has overcome the world.

I have shied away from sharing a lot of blogs lately mainly because I believe we’ve been in a season of great deconstruction. I’ve experienced this personally and I’ve watched it in other ministries, the prophetic and in the world at large. But I do sense that something has changed this week. It’s a promising shift where I feel a release to begin to speak again.

I feel the wind, breath and movement of Holy Spirit again and it is wonderful. Pray that God will enable you to bare witness to his presence at work in your life. I believe this is the will of the Father and His desire to bring us back to mission, after a season of struggle.

Many of you have been in intense battles with struggles of depression and some even suicidal. This pain has affected you psychologically, physically and on every side- yet God has not allowed you to be crushed. He has always been present by His Spirit, even when we didn't feel him. He desires to empower you to live a more fruitful and flourishing life.

“And God is able to bless you abundantly so that all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.“

2 Corinthians 9:8

Now may the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your hearts and minds and keep you in Christ Jesus, amen.



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