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  • Writer's pictureDana Wade, Coach

God is Always Moving-Especially in Dark Times

It is times like these where we must draw upon the promises and faithfulness of our God. To the natural eye some things look hopeless. Nations are rising up against nations, there are wars and rumors of wars, the earth groans with volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters. And although some view this from a natural perspective, a.k.a. political leaders or climate change, it’s more than that.

All of creation is groaning, crying out for deliverance- are we taking notice? Or are we so preoccupied as in Noah’s day that we are unaware of the ways God is moving in our world.

God still moves among us-he’s not in a galaxy far away.

Have we gotten desperate enough yet to cry out to God with groans and tears? Are we discerning the times enough to realize that we need him more than we know? Or have we allowed the cultures around us to desensitize us to the truer realities taking place in the seen and unseen worlds?

If we do not get our eyes on Jesus and off of ourselves and this world I’m afraid we are in for a rude awakening.

Yes I will vote in November but my hope is in God alone.

Our world needs a real shift away from the direction it’s been going and from the people we’ve been trusting and relying on.

Many of us are alive to the things of this world but dead in our souls. Our hearts need reviving and we need truth restored!!

People are calling good-evil and evil-good, doing whatever is right in their own eyes and have little God consciousness at all. Many are going about their days as if our world is not on fire!!!

It’s time to arise out of our slumber and awaken to the voice of God. It’s time to seek first the kingdom of God and all its righteousness. It’s time to get our eyes off each other and fix our eyes on Jesus-the author and perfecter of our faith!!

Christian’s are not perfect!! Don’t get sidetracked by the failures and mistakes of others-all have sinned! Instead, pick up your fallen brother or sister and point them back to Jesus-God is moving!!

Living in uncertain times doesn’t mean we have all the answers, because we don’t know what we don’t know!

Living in uncertainty requires humility on our part-we need each other. This is not a time to live outside of Godly counsel, and it’s not out time to live outside of community, especially the community of faith. The Bible says there is safety in the multitude of counsel. We are not islands to ourselves and we need to navigate such times together.

Living in uncertain times means we will have to learn how to live IN THE QUESTION! We will not have answers or solutions to everything and we need to settle that now. Our hope and faith must solely rely on our God-who is our light and salvation. We must not fear the uncertainty of our times but rather trust that God is indeed moving in the darkness-providing for us however we may need him.

What’s needed now is a new heart posture of prayer and humility where we are looking to Jesus for everything!

Far too many of us live in self sufficiency but that could change in the blink of an eye and then what?

Today is the day of salvation the Bible tells us!

Today we must not harden our hearts or resist the drawing of the Father. Today we must place our trust in Jesus-and rest in his finished work and love!

We must surrender to his will and to his ways.

He is our peace-but he requires repentance and surrender.

Any gospel message that doesn’t require surrender and change for you is not the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You don’t have to be a prophet to recognize that things has shifted in our world. But you do need to ask God if you need shifting.

What has God been putting his finger on in your life that you have not fully engaged him in or surrendered to?

He’s moving-are you following him? He’s moving, are you awake to his movements? He’s moving are you picking up your cross? He’s moving -are you surrendering?

Father we ask you now to draw us ALL back from where we have gone astray, in Jesus name.


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