Are you a prophet or prophetic person? Or do you sense things that you can't explain and are wondering what in the world is going on? Maybe you don't personally, but you do know someone who is like this? Then please consider forwarding them this weeks devotional. Over the next month we are going to begin looking at the "gift of the discerning of spirits" as found in scripture (1 Cor. 12:10)
Prophets and prophetic people are very sensitive to the unseen and revelatory realm and dimension. When they are around people who are being oppressed by hell, or around others who have angels present with them, they will pick it up on their spiritual radars. They may not even understand what they are sensing right off, but over a period of time and with some practical training they can discern the difference between good and evil and gain greater clarity and wisdom on how they can to help others.

This gift is sometimes hard to explain since we are dealing with intangible matters. The apostle Paul explains this in 2 Cor. 12:1-4 from his own experience and the Apostle Peter operates in this gift in Acts 5:1-10.
Over the next several week we are gonna take a look at how we too can go to the next level in this gifting.
Get rid of all forms of dishonesty active in your life. Cleanse yourself from all idolatry, lies and deceit, praying Psalm 51.
This is a gift that allows you to see and sense the truth about the spiritual realm and gives you a huge advantage as a believer in Jesus Christ. It many times allows you to see what's in the dark, so you don't stay in the dark-so you need truth in the inward parts. You want to be a receptor of the right information so you know how to pray, prophesy and battle intelligently as a prophetic person.
We don't want to be suspicious people who see a demon under every rock, but at the same time, we don't want to be people that won't acknowledge the presence of a demon for fear of the fight either.
Take time to practice seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling in the spirit; and certainly don't dismiss that gut feeling you've been having when you are around certain people. Holy spirit is trying to get something across to you.
Ask God for more love for others.The most important element and purpose for this gift is love. All gifts of Holy Spirit operate by love. The reason we must stay in love, is for the welfare of the person- especially if you discern something negatively- because love covers a multitude of sins. If you desire the Lord to activate this gift in your life, you must be a trust worthy candidate that doesn't want information but salvation, deliverance and healing for others. God cares enough about that person to let you in on it, so being rooted and grounded in love is a must for operating in this gift.
Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. 1 Cor. 14:1
Are you ready for seeing the into the supernatural realm in a whole new way? Get you heart cleansed and your love for people sured up with the Lord this week and let's begin looking at using your natural and supernatural senses in a whole new way.