Here in Virginia we experience all 4 seasons-spring, summer, winter and fall. I have to say that winter is my least favorite season unfortunately. I love long days and warm weather, so short and cold winter days can be hard for me to navigate the older I get. Learning how to shift into new seasons of life can also be hard to navigate.
Isn’t it interesting how much we change over the course of our lives? I didn’t use to mind the changing of the seasons but I almost dread winter now. I had to take a step back at this outlook I had on winter and investigate why I disliked it so much. In part, I think its because winter is so dark and unpredictable, but mostly because of the change it brings. Some seasons bring more change than other seasons, and I am learning to embrace the change-not despise it.
Here in the Shenandoah Valley the swing in temperatures at any given time in the winter can be an easy 20-30 degrees and even though summer is similar, the storms are different. It’s one thing to get stuck in a thunderstorm in the summer that slows you down but it’s very different to get a foot of snow that keeps you inside for days. I like to be isolated on my terms, not necessarily forced into isolation. Yet the storms of life have a way of coming at you like that snow storm, quickly and unexpectedly. However we must be ready because whether we are or not, those winter storms will come.
I believe there is a common solution for all of us no matter what our individual storm may be. BE PREPARED. Be prepared for a swift change, be prepared for a course change or relationship change, be prepared for governmental changes and family changes, be prepared for changes in jobs and locations- and be prepared for God to show you where you need changing the most-in your thinking. Maybe even changing the way you think about current structures of church and people groups. There’s a whole lot of change happening right now and we must be ready for however God may want to change things in our lives, so we are agreeing with his plans-not our plans.
God wants you steady and ready for change, and we can prepare ourselves in many ways.
Psalm 91:1 says: “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
live, move, breathe and have your being in God (Acts 17:28)
prepare your life to be a living sanctuary of his presence-dwelling with you and finding a resting place in you. (Romans 12:1)
get up and make him your first priority-awake with him on your mind, talking with him often during the day? (Matt. 6:33)
take time to rest in God in silence and solitude? (Isaiah 30:15)
read his Word and drink deeply of his great love for you? (Eph. 3:17-19)
go to bed with Him being the last thing on your mind and on your lips as you lay your head down to rest? (Deut. 11:19)
yield to His Spirit in prayer receiving strength to carry on the next day. (Isaiah 40:29)
stay connected to the right people who are wise and who show you honor and love? (Prov. 13:20)
These are all ways we can weather the storms of life, but I want us to take a deeper look this week at the last bullet point-RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS.
Being in the right, God ordained relationships, brings us levels of safety, help, focus, accountability, clarity, vision and wisdom, that is necessary for navigating all of life but especially the storms of life. They also represent the heart of Father God for us as they love us and care for us as our Father God would.
Are you experiencing relational shifts right now? I promise that you can trust God when you see things begin to shift in your relationships. Not everyone is meant to go the distance with you-their purpose in your life might be over. So let them go when God shows you, so you aren’t stuck, isolated or unprepared when a storm comes-it’s for your protection and good. God knows when certain storms are coming in your life and he knows that having the right people with you to navigate those storms are vital to your emotional and spiritual survival. He loves you so very much and he wants to help you by giving others in your journey.
“Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”Galatians 6:2
“And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” Mark 2:22
I believe the Lord wants us to view relationships not from a worldly perspective but from a kingdom perspective and mindset. This requires a new wine skin-a new way of thinking.
In the days ahead God may be shaking you loose from places and people, churches, organizations and even regions and states that you once thought was your final destination. No place or person is your final destination -only God is. This new wine skin will prepare you to be a habitation of His presence for wherever you land. God is unifying his people in covenant relationships, mantling us, and putting us in rank and position as He moves across the earth by His Spirit and GLORY STORMS.
I’m currently experiencing another shift in relationships myself, and it is good. It was hard at first to discern the magnitude of this shift but I’m coming alive in my soul, as it catches up to my spirit, which is more alive than ever before. The heavens open as I talk with my new kingdom family and I experience God’s glory and presence, even upon their greeting. These are signs for you dear ones. Just like Mary’s greeting caused Elizabeth’s womb to leap, so will these divinely orchestrated kingdom relationships -your womb will leap too, causing you to know that your destinies are linked.
They bless me so much with their love and support and I am beyond grateful. I am learning that God knows what is ahead for each of us and who is THE BEST FOR US. These new kingdom relationships will carry the same spiritual DNA as you, as you will each glean from each other. It’s glorious. I’m feeling very blessed right now and I know you will too as you allow this new wine skin to form in your thinking and in your life.
Let me pray for you:
Lord God help each of see and know, your will for us as we move forward in the days ahead. Help us Father, to discern who is to be a part of our lives and who we need to let go of for your purposes, knowing we can trust you. I pray a fresh wind and fire to come upon your people today and in the days ahead as you move in by your spirit in their lives. Help each of us Lord to deny ourselves, pick up our crosses, following you where ever it is that you are leading us and with whomever you desire us to walk beside,
In Jesus name I pray, amen.