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Writer's picture: Dana WadeDana Wade

Updated: May 13, 2019


Compromise: to make a concession to something shameful or disreputable; to lower morals, standards or values.

Each day presents new challenges for today’s Christ follower. Godly standards are blurry in our society and strattling the fence on issues of holiness (being separated unto God) has become commonplace. The god of this world has blinded many into lowering their standards of righteousness and holiness so much so, that we have a powerless church in the world unable to control their own bodies much less cast out devils out of anyone else-( which is by the way our responsibility.) I know-I’ve been there!

This has got to change. The world needs you! They need to be healed and delivered from darkness. 

I don’t say this to beat you up but to ask you to take a closer look at possible areas of compromise in your life. We are to help each other and hold each other accountable. I too have compromised my standards in the past and I know the damage it did to me. I want to offer you the wisdom I gained, so you too can get back in the race of faith.

During those times of compromise in my life, big and small, I too searched to find clarity on many of today’s cultural standards of righteous living. Ultimately I learned each time to examine my heart and motives-and the answer was clear-I had left my first Love, Jesus. 

The concept of being a new creation in Christ has somehow been lost in the process of being relevant to this generation-this I feel has left many Christ followers wandering in the dark. 

I learned that compromise not only separated me from close union with God but it also caused a breach in my spiritual armor,  leaving room for my Adversary to attack me.

What we compromise for worldly pleasure we lose in communion and fellowship with God.

This lowering of standards also lowers our defenses in the spirit, leaving our walls unprotected against a spiritual attack.

In essence compromise leads us to rebel against God, removing his hand of protection.

God does not change-we do!

Compromise is tricky and it will catch you unaware. It begins to manifest in your life as any neutral position on a subject matter- producing double-mindedness, and wishy-washy on what was once clear to you.

The bible says in James that “a double-minded man in unstable in all his ways.” 

“So Ahab sent word throughout all Israel and assembled the prophets on Mount Carmel. Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him. But the people said nothing.”  1 Kings 18:20-21

COMPROMISE LEADS US TO REBELLION & IDOLATRY The people of Israel had entered into compromise when they had left their first Love for the gods of their culture.


  • “daily offer yourselves to the Lord as living sacrifices…. and do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

  • love God with your relationships (make adjustments to who is influencing you away from your first love?)l

  • ove God with All your mind (what are you thinking about? Do you control your thoughts or do your thoughts control you?)

  • love God with your desires? (do you want to please God more than anything else?)

  • love God in your passions and appetites (what is driving you? do you seek the kingdom first and all his righteousness daily?)

  • love God with your decisions (are you double-minded in areas of your life?…your will may be compromised

  • )love God with ALL your soul-(your dreams will reveal the current state of your soul and tell you what is really going on inside you)

  • love God with ALL your heart (do you easily forgive, are you willing to make corrections or take correction? do you constantly sport a bad attitude, or react negatively towards others? are you easily offended?)

  • with ALL your strength (how is your self control working and other areas of your flesh?)

You may want to take some time this week and every so often to ask God if there are any areas of compromise and rebellion in your life and then take steps to sure up your spiritual armor.

I do this practice anytime I feel a disconnect with God and as routine maintenance of my soul.

We know God is for us -but are we for him? That’s a tough question but a real one that needs asking. Is Jesus your First Love?

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:10-12

I’m fighting this fight too my friends and am praying that your faith will not fail you!

Much love-



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