I wanted to take a few moments and share some of the things Ive been experiencing and sensing the last 2 months. On July 1, I experienced such a divine suddenly that changed many things-it was a great shift out of an old season and into a completely different season in the Lord. One of the things I’ve learned about who I am in the Lord and as a prophetic person, is that I carry an understanding of the times and seasons of the Lord. My very life takes on the shifting of those seasons,-and many times that causes great change and upheaval in my life. Ive learned to be ok with it even though it can be hard to discern and navigate at times.
We know the world systems are experiencing great upheavals and change right now-especially here in the USA, and because of this change we must begin to search ourselves for the change that is necessary within us so we can occupy these new reformed spheres and system’s once that dust has settled.
As all the chaos continues all around us, we must at some point begin to ask where we are in this change that is taking place. Some of the upheaval is the creation expanding and travailing and responding to the awakening of the mature sons and daughters of God (ROMANS 8). Could it be the Lord awakening all of creation to his divine reset and reordering, as it is time for his purposes to prevail? I believe so.
So much change is going on around us and in the world that it can be chaotic and frustrating at times; but you must know that God is the One over all things and it will at some point make sense, even though it may not be clear right now. This is a time of God’s sovereignty and yes it is a weighty time and serious time, where we must align with his purposes and will as he moves throughout our lands, regions and spheres of influence, but it also an encouraging and exciting times, as it is a time of the unveiling of his sons and daughters-the mature ones.
Lots of things happen during times of transition and season changes, because when God changes things we aren’t in control any longer-He is. This requires from us all a great humility, trust and cooperation on our part as He moves and rearranges things in our lives and in the earth’s systems.
Last month produced such a suddenly moment in my life, that I was not expecting and it has taken a whole 5 weeks to feel like I have some sort of understanding at least in part of what is taking place. Maybe you are in a similar place, so I wanted you to know you weren’t alone.
Many prophets and prophetic people live out what is taking place in the earth and it takes time to understand and grasp the fullness of what we hear God saying or see God doing. We are to be dependent on God-not independent-and this is one of the ways we stay in that place of dependency on him.
Yesterday while seeking the Lord I got a bit more clarity on how to agree with HIm and His process during this time.
I see a great Restoration taking place.
God is changing things around..thats what I kept hearing over and over yesterday.
It was like a divine chess game in someways and not in other ways- I could see how God was rearranging people, places and things. At the same time, I sensed a great cleansing and transformation that was taking place on the inside of the people of God as he was preparing them for what was next....we are promised that his glory will cover the earth and this means all of creation. We are a big part of his creation, and so I believe he is preparing all of creation for the arrival of his presence and glory-the essence of his greatness and supernatural power. He is preparing us for a time of harvest and blessings. Blessings are not blessings if we are not prepared to steward them well. They can be a curse out of time or out of season.
God is preparing us for all the new things coming. Some of these new things will come right away and some won’t, but our cooperation is absolutely essential to receiving them.
God is doing a NEW THING in us and it will require us to respond however he may leads us. Don’t despise his promptings, chastizing or his leadings-cooperate quickly, repent quickly and act accordingly.
Many of us are going through such a metamorphosis process right now and it is very uncomfortable, so hold on if that is you. God is restoring the fallen house of David-his temple to house his glory. (Amos 9:11-12) This restoration process may be uncomfortable at times, but please allow God to do what needs to be done in your life. We don’t want to be found resisting God right now. He knows what needs changing -whether that change is a who, what where or how... God knows, and we can trust him.
God’s restoration process is for our good, not our destruction-God is not evil-He is good, so we can take a deep breath and allow him access to everything he asks of us as we submit to him anew and afresh.
So much of the world systems are idolatrous and need this divine reset. The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it and when God moves sovereignly like he is right now, there will be a reckoning of everything idolatrous. God loves his creation too much to leave it in the shape it is in. I’ve never known this type of sovereign season since I’ve been on the earth but I still trust God. God’s nature never changes, even though we may see a side of His nature that is not what we are accustomed to seeing. God is still loving, gracious, merciful and compassionate, but he is also righteous, holy and just. And his righteousness is being established in the earth right now and that means that the idols that have been erected in society and in our lives are coming down. This is for our good-not our destruction. God’s very nature is redemptive and restorative, and in seasons like this, we must keep our eyes on Jesus, as his love will never fail us or any part of his creation.
If you feel like your life is undergoing a restoration process, it may help you to think of an old car that is being restored to its original design blueprint or condition. I don’t know much about the car restoration process but I can imagine that it begins with a lot of dismantling and repurposing from the inside out. Unlike cars, we have a soul-hearts, minds, feelings, and emotions, and this may hurt and be uncomfortable for us at times, but please allow this restoration to continue even if it does.
For some of us this process may require a complete overhaul in some areas, where we go down to the bare frame of our lives.
You can still trust God if this is you. He is the master builder and architect of our lives and of all things that exist.
Nevertheless a great period of metamorphosis and transformation is taking place to make that vehicle (you and me) look like we did at the original time we were imagined, built and created.
He is restoring us back to the original intent he had for us.
Whatever the case may be in your life, God is busy in you and behind the scenes, delivering you in many ways-depending on his purpose for your life. He is healing our hearts, minds and souls and changing things either in us or around us, depending on the amount of reconditioning and reconstruction that is necessary for the renewal and restoration.
At the same time some areas are undergoing recontruction, and remodeling, some areas of our lives (the interior of our hearts, emotions, mind etc) are going through a great cleansing, because of the years of trauma, pain, hurt or sin. These things have a way of cluttering us and desensitizing us to the voice of God or in some cases, defiling our souls. God will cleanse us however we may need, internally and externally to get us ready for his glory, his purpose and for our good.
It may feel like He is destroying you at times, and that is because there may be things that need to go-trust God. God may be completely changing your construct, your character, your nature or your very form, but he knows best and he will not forsake you, as he rebuilds you. He is making us into His image bearers in the earth.
He loves you very much, so focus on that as he reconstructs your life. This is all for his purpose and for his glory, so ask him to help you recommit and submit to Him, in a new way if you are struggling in your process. Allow him to reconstruct and restore you however he desires, because he is after all your Creator (Elohim), who had an original plan, design and purpose for your life, from the very beginning. (Psalm 139)
We are the living temples of his Holy Spirit on planet earth-He is rebuilding us and restoring us to the glory that he originally designed us to carry. He is returning us to the garden of his presence, his breath, and communion with Him. He is taking us back to the beginning where the original intent between God and man began-intimacy and true unhindered fellowship with God. I see this time and the days ahead as a total divine reset in the earth.
A reset between God and his creation where we experience Him like we were meant to from the very beginning. Allow this genesis to take place dear ones-God is for you-not against you.
God is doing it-let him. Let him do it not only in you but in those you love.
God is not finished with you or with the earth- but He is doing a fresh, new, restorative thing.
Dana ❤️