Last Sunday Tammy Bunch ministered a teaching with our church that I believe will bless you as you head into the next two weeks of December. I will be breaking it up into two parts because I believe this will better help us to grasp each part of the teaching so we can fully agree with the opportunities laid out in the text.
Blessings to you all. Dana THE HEBREW MONTH OF KISLEV Pt. 1
God’s Calendar has a different understanding of months. Every month is a new prophetic season. Israel began each month with a “firstfruits” festival called Rosh Chodesh - which literally means the start or the head of the month. In the Old Testament the Hebrews considered Rosh Chodesh to be a joyful celebration, a day of rest from ordinary work and a day to give special offerings to God. They would HONOR GOD at the start of the month by not only bringing an offering, but receive prophetic revelation and direction for the month ahead. Their goal was to live in “sync” with God’s TIMING. When we do that, we PROSPER!
Currently we are in the month of Kislev. Kislev began on November 17th and will conclude on December 15. Kislev is the 9th month of the Hebrew Year of 5780. What is God saying to us about this month?
In the natural realm, Kislev as a month of DARKNESS. As you move through Kislev, the days get shorter, and the nights get longer. But Kislev is not only a month of darkness, it’s a month of LIGHT shining in the darkness.
“Leaving Nazareth, he went and lived in Capernaum, which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali— to fulfill what was said through the prophet Isaiah: “Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, the Way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles— the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”” Matthew 4:13-16 NIV
Kislev is also the month of Hanukkah, the Feast of Lights. This year Hanukkah begins on December 11-18th, lasting 8 days.
Hanukkah is the festival commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Most Christians do not realize that Hanukkah is also for us. Many think it’s just for Jews, or that it’s Old Testament....Hanukkah is never mentioned in the Old Testament, it’s mentioned in the New Testament. According to John 10:22 we know that Jesus celebrated Hanukkah,
“It was now winter, and Jesus was in Jerusalem at the time of Hanukkah, the Festival of Dedication”.
Hanukkah celebrates that our God is a God of MIRACLES!
Kislev is a month to let your light shine. It’s a time to declare that Jesus is the Light of the World!
BREAK OLD CYCLES THIS MONTH The Jews associate the month of Kislev with the Hebrew letter SAMEKH.

Hebrew letters don’t just represent sounds, they represent ideas. You can tell the meaning of SAMEKH by it’s shape. It’s originally a picture of a circle or a ring repeating a cycle.
Words beginning with SAMEKH include to turn, go around, surround, encompass, enclose, to come to a full circle. If you understand this then you can prophesy from that! Kislev is the month to come full circle...a month in which God wants to give you a second chance to confront and deal with things that defeated you in the last season.
This is a month to enter a whole new cycle of blessing. By examining our hearts and motives during Kislev each year, we will break up and out of old patterns of mistrust that hinder our walk with the Lord and with others in our circle of and friends.
God can give you a second chance at missed opportunities. Think with God about how you have missed some opportunities over the years?
For example, we can look at Moses where he messed up when he killed an Egyptian but his opportunity came around again at the burning bush. God does not want us to miss our opportunity during Kislev.
Missed opportunities can come back around again but old enemies can come back around again this is a month to be on guard, to break out of old cycles (deliverance). If you are trapped in destructive cycles in your life, God wants to set you free this month.
This is a time to examine what you have warred through in the past year in order to come into a place of peace. God makes a covenant with us so that we will not have to war with those things again, which was the symbolism of the rainbow. God says in
Genesis 9:13-17 (paraphrased), “You have come through the flood and it did not overtake you. Now I will make a covenant with you that you will not war with that again.” .....
....there are certain things every year that you want to look at and say, “I AM NOT GOING THROUGH THAT AGAIN!”
Because Kislev is a month of physical darkness, the Jews consider Kislev to be a month of dreams and night visions. In the Torah portions reading during Kislev, we find most of the dreams mentioned in the Torah: Jacob’s dream of the ladder going up into the Heavens, Joseph’s dream of his family, Pharaoh’s dreams of famine, dreams of Pharaoh’s servants that Joseph interpreted. So be aware of your dreams during Kislev. If God speaks to you in dreams this month (Nov.17- Dec.15) pay attention and ask Him what He’s saying to you, as it’s a month for God to bring NEW REVELATION for your future.
Kislev is also a month to enter into a new level of trust and rest. What areas of your life do you need to press into God for a new level of trust and rest?
God is always calling us up higher in our thinking but deeper into his love as well.
Kislev is also a month to develop your warfare strategies. In this month of tranquility and peace, you will encounter warfare, BUT you will have peace in the midst of it. Many of us do not understand this aspect of warfare. This simply means that in the midst of warfare, you go full on the offensive so that you can have peace in the midst of the conflict. In our humanness we have a tendency to get tangled up by getting out of our abiding place in God. That’s where we get into trouble.
Stay close to God during times of warfare this month through humility, repentance, thanksgiving, prayer, praise!
Praise unlocks things for us, it cuts through the spiritual realm so we can reach up to God, He meets us in that place, and we can unlock the victory!
“Eucharisteo (to praise and give thanks) always precedes the miracle!” Get your miracle this month!!!!
Kislev is a month to declare your life experiences to be filled with tranquility and peace - ask for the rivers of life to flow forth from your innermost being.